viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Well..... things I want to do before I die?.... Here is a list:

1.- Travel to Canada or Netherlands, either are fine, because, well, I could like to know those coutries.
2.- Have the full Kingdom Hearts collection. A game series with a awesome story, awesome music and awesome everything really. Why as a before-I-die thing? Because the damned games are like, 4-5 diferent consoles. PlayStation 2, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo 3D, and soon in PlayStaion 3. So... yeah, kinda hard and costly to have all the games. But could awesome.
3.- Meet and talk to J.K. Rowling. Why? Harry Potter anyone?
4.- Punch a certain person in the face. Don't ask who. I hate him.
5.- Be ridiculously sarcastic for a full week. Just to annoy people.
6.- Take something, something, seriously.
7.- Eat the 3 culinary delicacies (Caviar, Fois Gras and Truffle). To decide if they are delicacies or not.
8.- Go to Turkey. How could I forgot? Turkey sweets are my favorites.
9.- Attend to more Linkin Park. Favorite Band, of course.
10.- At this rate, graduate from this damned college before I die of depression or unmotivation.

Well, that is it. It was surprisingly hard :V

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