viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Well..... things I want to do before I die?.... Here is a list:

1.- Travel to Canada or Netherlands, either are fine, because, well, I could like to know those coutries.
2.- Have the full Kingdom Hearts collection. A game series with a awesome story, awesome music and awesome everything really. Why as a before-I-die thing? Because the damned games are like, 4-5 diferent consoles. PlayStation 2, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo 3D, and soon in PlayStaion 3. So... yeah, kinda hard and costly to have all the games. But could awesome.
3.- Meet and talk to J.K. Rowling. Why? Harry Potter anyone?
4.- Punch a certain person in the face. Don't ask who. I hate him.
5.- Be ridiculously sarcastic for a full week. Just to annoy people.
6.- Take something, something, seriously.
7.- Eat the 3 culinary delicacies (Caviar, Fois Gras and Truffle). To decide if they are delicacies or not.
8.- Go to Turkey. How could I forgot? Turkey sweets are my favorites.
9.- Attend to more Linkin Park. Favorite Band, of course.
10.- At this rate, graduate from this damned college before I die of depression or unmotivation.

Well, that is it. It was surprisingly hard :V

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Someone of my family? mmmm I'll speak about my uncle Claudio. He is my father's brother, is 31 years old, he is an architect, and is currently studing abroad in France to get dual nationality (my family from my father's side is half-french, and my father and Claudio are the last generation that can opt for dual nationality, curse my luck) and a doctorade (was it? I kinda forgot).

He is living there with his french girlfriend Charlotte, who he meet here, in Chile. He has been there little more that a year, and will stay there for more that he through, since they offered him anohter Post-Grade Title... cue my great-parents having a weird case of pride and horror... since they, well, loves their children.

He studied here in FAU, and he did some optional courses at Architecture about, well, architecture. He also worked at the Extention office here too. He  is a pretty laid back person, likes to party and have fun, but is serious about work and study. We get along almost all the time, except when I am playing video games, because he is rather... prejuicious of games, but aside from that we get along pretty fine.

Last time I saw him was in June, when he had vacations in France, he came here with Charlotte for around 2 weeks, and he gathered to eat in a Restaurant, and after they went 2 weeks to Brazil, and them back to France. He still a long ways from returning to Chile, if he doesnt decides to stay there, so who knows?

Since, Facebook doesn't not open in this bloody bad internet, no photos for anyone!

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Party! or not?

Weeeeeeeeell. Parties. I am not much of a party person, I dont like to get drunk in the first place ( not for the hangover, but because I lose control and I start to act emmm reckeless and in general I end up being a public danger, plus my mouth becomes a disaster area for how much nonesense I speak), but since I am the tipe of person that likes to eat, laugh and chat wiht my friend, we generally end up doing barbecues and hot dogs and such.

Also, since I am aparently the only one that knows how to cook (lethal cooks are rather numerous in my close circle of friend, one even managed to burn a microwave burrito, how, I wonder), or actually the only that has the will to cook, I end up doing everything that means doing something with uncooked food. Of course, they capitalize cooked food, the lazy bastards. Most of the time, I make pizzas, hot dogs, burgers, barbecues, and such food that is easy to make and get them full. I never cook something more fancy for big number since that could be costly, but sometimes I go to hang out at my best friend (JP, from the Linkin Park) house and I cook fancy things there. Like tuna, chinese food, sushi, etc.

But in general, the gatherings ( I deny them being parties, they dont qualify to be parties) are, in this order: They arrive, I cook, we play Nintendo Wii or PS3 while we eat, and some stay overnight and we go to play soccer in the morning. Really, sometimes we do something different, but generally that is it.

A Present?

I think that my most valued present is a plant fossil that my best friend gave me for my 19° birthday! Its was awesome! Really, since I am a big fossil fan ( actually I could have studied Archeology or Paleontology if it were possible, but here in Chile those fields aren't developed at all) and I have only had a couple of fossils that I found in my College trips. So obviously I was pleased. Plus since it was my best friend, and well, he knows me well enough to know what I like, because really almost nobody know my tastes. Go figure.

 Well, that is the fossil in question ( not really, in the image its only a look-alike I found in google, mine is a bit low quality compared to this one). A fossilied plant of inmemoriable ages ago... Its like a testimony of the changes that have happened in the earth, and the real wonder for me is the fact that something so easy to break , to make dissapear, and it is still there, preserved in stone, like a dried flower in a  book. But well, enough rambling, this was one of the most important presents I have been gifted. Not costly, not fancy, but really, really important. It makes a fine collection with my others fossil I have found ( a amonite and a seashell). I figured that had to take of it better that the others so it passes most of the time in a box in my room, with the other fossils.